


Leptotes cassius - Cassius Blue

 Leptotes cassius - Tropical Striped Blue
Female. 2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina
Wingspan: 20-35 mm
On my first trip to Argentina I saw and photographed dozens of new butterfly species. Interestingly the Tropical Striped Blue was the only butterfly of Blues of the Lycaenidae family I encountered. And I only managed to take one photo of it.
There's one butterfly of the Leptotes family that can be found in Europe also - the Lang's Short Tailed Blue (L. pirithous).

I saw one more Cassius Blue in 2017. It was a female which has a beautiful white color on the top side.

Female. 2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

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