
Queen Butterfly - Danaus gilippus

Queen - (Meksikonmonarkki) - Danaus gilippus
2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina
Wingspan: 67-98 mm
Queen is related to the famous Monarch butterfly (D. plexippus). It can be found in North and South America.
The sun was starting to set already when I was still looking for butterflies. I saw a big one settling down next to a small river. While getting closer I thought I was finally about to get some photos of the topside of a Monarch. But it turned out to be a Queen instead. These two butterflies do look quite different, in fact. But anyway, the Queen is a large and beautiful butterfly and I was happy to see one of those too.

In 2017 I didn't see many monarchs during our trip to South-America. But fortunately a lonely D. gilippus was nectaring on the flowers one afternoon. It was relaxed enough to gime me some really nice photos.

2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

Euptoieta hortensia on the left. 2/2017 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

Male. 10/2014 Entre Rios, Argentina

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